Les Franqueses, chosen as the European Sports Village 2024

Les Franqueses, chosen as the European Sports Village 2024

Les Franqueses is now officially the European Sports Village 2024. The verdict from ACES Europe, the entity granting the recognition, came just 15 days after the visit of the delegation comprising Joan Anton Camuñas, Fabrizio Santangelo, and Lukas Vorel-Adams to explore the municipality, sports facilities, and elements of the candidacy. This visit was one of the essential steps to qualify for this recognition. Over two days, the delegation visited the core sports facilities of Les Franqueses and engaged in discussions with clubs and entities. The official presentation of the candidacy was also made by the Sports Councilor, Montse Vila, and the Mayor, Francesc Colomé.

The candidacy of Les Franqueses as the European Sports Village 2024 is centered around the social aspect of sports beyond competition, highlighting projects such as municipal sports schools with over 650 participants, programs with local schools, agreements with universities and supramunicipal entities, and, most importantly, collaboration with over 40 sports clubs and entities in Les Franqueses. This social and educational aspect aligns with the qualities ACES Europe seeks in towns and cities holding this recognition, aiming to develop high-quality sports programs open to the entire population. This quality is one of the strengths of our municipality, and in preparing the candidacy, it involved social agents, organizations, schools, and sports entities and clubs to give the project a comprehensive perspective.

The objectives that Les Franqueses aims to achieve with this European Sports Village distinction in 2024 are:

  • Position the municipality on the national and international map as a primarily sports-oriented city.
  • Organize activities promoting sports and health, where intergenerational activities and motivation for sports practice, whether as a hobby or in competition, are key elements.
  • Work towards inclusion and equality through educational centers and sports entities and clubs.
  • Promote values such as respect, teamwork, and effort through both education and sports.
  • Support sports entities and clubs in organizing events.

The municipality now has a proposed calendar of very intense events for 2024, which will be specified in the coming months:

  • 3×3 basketball competition in collaboration with the Federation
  • Catalonia twirling championship
  • Catalonia karate championship
  • Laying the first stone of the Sector R sports hall
  • Activation of the quality seal of the Catalan sports system by the Professional College of Physical Activity and Sports of Catalonia
  • Family gymkhana
  • School Olympics
  • Day of Catalan adapted games
  • International Cheerleading competition
  • Talk on functional diversity in sports
  • Hosting the closing of the senior citizens walking cycle by the Barcelona Provincial Council
  • Candidacy to be the start or finish of the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya
  • Organization of the Catalan Handball Festival
  • School badminton games
  • Organization of an international cycling competition
  • Organization of a Catalan archery competition
  • Signaling new routes for walks
  • Creation of a mural about being the European Sports Village at a sports facility

The designation as the European Sports Village by ACES Europe confirms that Les Franqueses is a sports-oriented municipality in line with the ideals and understanding of sports and a healthy lifestyle promoted by the organizing entity.

A delegation from the City Council will travel to Brussels to collect the nomination.