Success of the district badminton day in Les Franqueses del Vallès

Success of the district badminton day in Les Franqueses del Vallès

Up to 25 girls and boys from 3 badminton clubs in the district and Catalonia participated in this event organized by the district sports council and the Municipal Sports Board.

This Sunday, March 17, a new district badminton day took place at the Municipal Sports Pavilion of Corró d’Avall. A morning event, organized by the District Sports Council of Vallès Oriental and the Municipal Sports Board of Les Franqueses del Vallès, which brought together more than 25 girls and boys, aged between 7 and 18, from up to 3 clubs in the district and Catalonia, the host club, the badminton section of the Municipal Sports Board of Les Franqueses, the La Garriga Badminton Club, and the Bellaterra Badminton Club.

A District Badminton Day that aims to be a meeting point for boys and girls from the various participating clubs and a way to continue learning and progressing in this sport and in the values it represents. A competition organized in a first phase of groups that has given way to knockout phases but that seeks above all the active participation of all the participating boys and girls. A competition system that ensures a minimum of 5 matches played for each and every participant.

A good way to continue practicing this sport while creating bonds with girls and boys from other clubs in the district and Catalonia.